Admissions Enquiries: 01491 573118


Our uniform is designed to be smart and comfortable in every season

We want children to feel like they belong at St. Mary’s and to have pride in their school.

Our school uniforms are provided by Perry Uniform and you will be able to purchase everything you need from their website. In addition, our Friends of St. Mary’s parent association hold regular second hand uniform sales.

All of our pupils are required to wear the correct uniform each day, from Nursery through to Year 6.

Our recently introduced Nursery uniform is different to the rest of school, designed to be comfortable and practical for our youngest children.

When we chose our uniform, our aim was to make sure our pupils were smart, comfortable and happy throughout the school day.

We have a winter uniform that’s designed to cope with the chillier and wetter weather, with warm jumpers and rain coats an essential for all our pupils, while our summer uniform is lighter to ensure the children are comfortable as the sun comes out and temperatures rise.

Our PE kit has been selected with movement in mind. Shorts and polo shirts are complemented by sweatshirts and tracksuit bottoms to keep the children warm during crisp winter sports sessions and after they’ve finished their PE activity.

Additional pieces of kit, such as shin pads, gum shields and swimwear, are also required for certain year groups, please see the Sports kit list for further information.

Naming uniform:

Hair and jewellery

Unlock Your Child's Potential

Discover the enriching journey your child will embark on

through the various school stages at St. Mary’s Preparatory School.


2 - 4 yrs old


4 - 7 yrs old


7 - 11 yrs old


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St Mary’s School Henley

Admissions Enquiries:01491 573118